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Partners through the wall




‘While working in a gin distillery in the United Kingdom I fell in love with the use of botanicals in distilling and the fascinating world of cocktails. Having basically grown up in beer in the Netherlands I guess it was only natural that I started wondering what would happen if you would brew rather than distil with these botanicals. I grew curious about what kind of character these herbs, spices and fruits could give to beer.


AND SO, THE IDEA FOR LOWLANDER BEER WAS BORN. Since the Netherlands or ‘Low Lands’ is a land below sea level, we Dutch grow up with a healthy respect for nature. It’s a question of balance: like finding just the right combination of botanicals – or herbs, spices and fruit – to brew uniquely refreshing drinks. And so it is with the natural world: when more is taken out than is given back, the balance needs to be restored. Which is why Lowlander is championing the global goal for nature, working towards a Nature Positive impact by 2030.

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Two chefs brewing

We are ‘De Eeuwige Jeugd’.


We make our own beer, to our own taste and full of character, in our own brewery. We serve our own beers in our own café (Cafe de Jeugd) and club (Levenslang Amsterdam), at the camping, and at an elderly disco. At Brouwerij De Eeuwige Jeugd we balance on the edge and sometimes just go over it. We brew beers with characters, a real Jazzebel from Amsterdam; Lellebel, shrewd young god and slick rick; Gladjanus, our leader of mischief and rascall; Belhamel and our divine champion of freedom and celebration; ‘Vrijer’.


Excited to live. That’s what we’re about. Giving everything. Sharing everything. Tasting everything. Serving everything. On the edge, sometimes over it. Drawing outside the lines, going all the way. Roadtrip with grandpa. Hit that high note of Whitney. 


Double up with laughter. Drink and dance, wink and free. Make friends with strangers. The one who gives everything, experiences everything.

De Eeuwige

We are ‘De Eeuwige Jeugd’.


We make our own beer, to our own taste and full of character, in our own brewery. We serve our own beers in our own café (Cafe de Jeugd) and club (Levenslang Amsterdam), at the camping, and at an elderly disco. At Brouwerij De Eeuwige Jeugd we balance on the edge and sometimes just go over it. We brew beers with characters, a real Jazzebel from Amsterdam; Lellebel, shrewd young god and slick rick; Gladjanus, our leader of mischief and rascall; Belhamel and our divine champion of freedom and celebration; ‘Vrijer’.


Excited to live. That’s what we’re about. Giving everything. Sharing everything. Tasting everything. Serving everything. On the edge, sometimes over it. Drawing outside the lines, going all the way. Roadtrip with grandpa. Hit that high note of Whitney. 


Double up with laughter. Drink and dance, wink and free. Make friends with strangers. The one who gives everything, experiences everything.

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In Law

Proost. Op familie.


Deze mensen heb je gekregen. Met moeders als muurbloemen en broers als buitenbenen. Schone schoonzussen, grote kleinkinderen en vooraanstaande achterneven. Feestooms, roddeltantes en doorzakzwagers.


Bij ons kun je zijn zoals je bent. Zeggen waar het op staat. Recht voor z’n raap. Dus hou jezelf niet in en knetter als het moet. Dat moet kunnen. Dat lucht op. Uiteindelijk komt altijd alles weer goed. Want deze band is onvoorwaardelijk.


Aan onze toog is altijd plek. Voor een slappe lach of stevig gesprek. Want ook al zijn we heel verschillend, er is een hoop wat ons bindt. Zoals steengoed bier. Van het veelzijdige en ongecompliceerde soort. Net als de levensgenieters die het drinken.


Brothers In Law. Relatively straightforward. 

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